1. This is an age whose people are not brothers
O man, don't trust in brothers
١. هَذا زَمانٌ لَيسَ إِخوانُهُ
يا أَيُّها المَرءُ بِاِخوانِ
2. All his brothers are oppressors
With two tongues and two faces
٢. إِخوانُهُ كُلُّهُمُ ظالِمٌ
لَهُم لِسانانِ وَوَجهانِ
3. They meet you with cheer, while disease lies
Hidden in their hearts
٣. يَلقاكَ بِالبِشرِ وَفي قَلبِهِ
داءٌ يَواريهِ بِكِتمانِ
4. When you're gone from their sight
They slander and falsely accuse you
٤. حَتّى إِذا ما غِبتَ عَن عَينِهِ
رَماكَ بِالزورِ وَالبُهتانِ
5. This is an age whose people are thus
No two trust you in friendship
٥. هَذا زَمانٌ هَكَذا أَهلُهُ
بِالوُدِّ لا يُصدُقكَ إِثنانِ
6. O man, so be alone
Don't make friends in your time
٦. يا أَيُّها المَرءُ فَكُن مُفرَداً
دَهرَكَ لا تَأَنَس بِإِنسانِ
7. Shun people, and be a keeper
Of yourself, at home within walls
٧. وَجانِبِ الناسَ وَكُن حافِظاً
نَفسَكَ في بَيتٍ وَحيطانِ