
The perfect of men are those who best know their own defects

أتم الناس أعرفهم بنقصه

1. The perfect of men are those who best know their own defects,
And whose passions, and avarice are most laid in chains;

١. أَتَمُّ الناسُ أَعرَفُهُم بِنَقصِه
وَأَقمَعُهُم لِشَهوَتِهِ وَحِرصِه

2. Therefore, become intimate with the man who is perfect,
And him whose society you have found to be worthless reject.

٢. فَدانِ عَلى السَلامَةِ مَن يُداني
وَمَن لَم تَرضَ صُحبَتَهُ فَأَقصِه

3. Do not take an undue advantage of any one's ignorance,
Nor, for the sake of your own ease regard no one's sufferings.

٣. وَلا تَستَغلِ عافيَةً بِشَيءٍ
وَلا تَستَرخِصَنَّ أَذىً لِرُخصِه

4. There are many pests met with in scrutinising others,
So refrain from investigating those you can do without.

٤. وَخَلِّ الفَحصَ ما اِستَغنَيتَ عَنهُ
فَكَم مُستَجلِبٍ عَيباً لِفَحصِه