
God has honored us with victory for His Prophet

الله أكرمنا بنصر نبيه

1. God has honored us with victory for His Prophet
And through us established the pillars of Islam

١. اللَهُ أَكرَمَنا بِنَصرِ نَبيِّهِ
وَبِنا أَقامَ دَعائِمَ الإِسلامِ

2. And through us made His Prophet and Scripture mighty
And made us mighty through victory and valor

٢. وَبِنا أَعَزَّ نَبيَّهُ وَكِتابَهُ
وَأَعَزَّنا بِالنَصرِ وَالإِقدامِ

3. Gabriel visits us in our abodes
With the duties of Islam and its rules

٣. وَيَزورُنا جَبريلُ في أَبياتِنا
بِفَرائِضِ الإِسلامِ وَالأَحكامِ

4. Thus we are the first to make the lawful, lawful
And make everything forbidden unlawful for God

٤. فَنَكونُ أَوَّلَ مُستَحِلٍّ حِلَّهُ
وَمُحَرِّمٍ لِلّهِ كُلَّ حَرامِ

5. We are the best of all creation
Its system and the system of every rein

٥. نَحنُ الخِيارُ مِنَ البَريَّةِ كُلّها
وَنِظامُها وَنِظامُ كُلُ زِمامِ

6. Plunging into the thick of every horror
And guaranteeing the events of days

٦. الخائِضونَ غِمارَ كُلَ كَريهَةٍ
وَالضامِنونَ حَوادِثَ الأَيامِ

7. Firmly resolving the powers of affairs with honor
And annulling the schemes of bonding

٧. وَالمُبرِمونَ قُوى الأُمورِ بِعِزَّةٍ
وَالناقِضونَ مَرائِرَ الإِبرامِ

8. In every battleground our swords take flight
There skulls fly from the nests of resolve

٨. في كُلِّ مُعتَرَكٍ تَطيرُ سُيوفُنا
فيهِ الجَماجِمُ عِن فِراخِ الهامِ

9. We indeed prevent those we want to prevent
And we give generously to the deprived

٩. إِنّا لَنَمنَعُ مَن أَرَدنا مَنعَهُ
وَنَجودُ بِالمَعروفِ لِلمعتامِ

10. And our swords repeal the prowess of Khams
As we straighten the head of the lofty summit

١٠. وَتَردُّ عاديةُ الخَميسِ سُيوفَنا
وَنُقيمُ رَأسَ الأَصيَدِ القَمقامِ