
I am the one my mother named Haydarah

أنا الذي سمتني أمي حيدره

1. I am the one my mother named Haydarah
Baring fangs, a lion with unsheathed claws

١. أَنا الَّذي سَمَتني أُمي حَيدَرَه
ضِرغامُ آجامٍ وَلَيثُ قَسوَرَه

2. My arms are thick, my grip is vice-like
Like a lion of the forests, fearsome in appearance

٢. عَبلُ الذِراعَينِ شَديدُ القِصَرَه
كَلَيثِ غاباتٍ كَريهِ المَنظَرَه

3. Against my enemies I am like a hissing wind
I strike you with the sword as sand is measured

عَلى الأَعادي مِثلَ رِيحٍ صَرصَرَه

4. I strike you blows that show the vertebrae
Leaving the spear deep in their islands

٤. أَكيلُكُم بِالسَيفِ كَيلَ السَندَرَه
أَضرِبُكُم ضَرباً يَبينُ الفَقَرَه

5. I strike with the sword the necks of the unbelievers
The strike of a glorious young warrior

٥. وَأَترُكُ القِرنَ بِقاعِ جُزُرِهِ
أَضرِبُ بِالسَيفِ رِقابَ الكَفَرَه

6. He who forsakes truth will straighten its bend
I kill seven or ten of them

٦. ضَربَ غُلامٍ ماجِدٍ حَزوَرَه
مَن يَترُكِ الحَقَّ يَقوِّم صِغَرَه

7. For they are all wickedly immoral people

٧. أَقتُلُ مِنهُم سَبعَةً أَو عَشَرَة
فَكُلَّهُم أَهلُ فُسوقٍ فَجَرَه