
After the Prophet's burial, do we live in comfort and incline towards heedlessness?

أمن بعد تكفين النبي ودفنه

1. After the Prophet's burial, do we live in comfort and incline towards heedlessness?
We have truly lost Allah's Messenger, so we will never see

١. أَمِن بَعدِ تَكفينِ النَبِيِّ وَدَفنِهِ
نَعيشُ بِآلاءٍ وَنَجنَحُ لِلسَلوى

2. Anyone comparable, for as long as we live from harm's onset
You were like an unassailable fortress defending us

٢. رُزِئنا رَسولَ اللَهِ حَقّاً فَلَن نَرى
بِذاكَ عَديلاً ما حَيينا مِنَ الرَدى

3. With strongholds, shelters, and protection from enemies
You were the pinnacle by which we set our sights and goals

٣. وُكُنتَ لَنا كَالحُصنِ مِن دونِ أَهلِهِ
لَهُ مَعقَلٌ حِرزٌ حَريزٌ مِن العِدى

4. On a position that cannot be accessed or seen by anyone
Through your presence, we saw light and guidance

٤. وَكُنا بِهِ شُمُّ الأُنوفِ بِنَحوِهِ
عَلى مَوضِعٍ لا يُستطاعُ وَلا يُرى

5. Morning and evening, whether at rest or exerting effort
Indeed, darkness has covered us since losing you

٥. وَكُنّا بِمَرآكُم نَرى النورَ وَالهُدى
صَباحَ مَساءَ راحَ فينا أَو اِغتَدى

6. Even in daylight, exceeding the darkness of night
O best gatherer of comrades and loved ones

٦. لَقَد غَشِيَتنا ظُلمَةٌ بِعدَ فَقدِكُم
نَهاراً وَقَد زادَت عَلى ظُلمَةِ الدُجى

7. O best of the deceased, covered by soil and dust
It seems people's affairs after you were folded up

٧. فَيا خَيرَ مَن ضَمَّ الجَوانِحَ وَالحَشا
وَيا خَيرَ مَيتٍ ضَمّهُ التُربُ وَالثَرى

8. Like a ship amidst a tumultuous sea storm
The spacious earth felt narrow to us without you

٨. كَأَنَّ أُمورَ الناسِ بَعدَكَ ضُمِّنَت
سَفينَةُ مَوجٍ حينَ في البَحرِ قَد سَما

9. When it was said the Messenger of God had passed
An affliction has befallen the Muslims

٩. وَضاقَ فَضاءُ الأَرضِ عَنّا بِرَحبِهِ
لَفَقدِ رَسولِ اللَهِ إِذ قيلَ قَد مَضى

10. Like a crevice in Mount Safa, with no crevice in the mount itself
People will never recover from what has befallen them

١٠. فَقَد نَزَلَت بِالمُسلِمينَ مُصيبَةٌ
كَصَدعِ الصَفا لا صَدعٍ لِلشَعبِ في الصَفا

11. Nor will the broken bone that caused them to fall be mended
And at every prayer time Bilal will call it

١١. فَلَن يَستَقِلَّ الناسُ ما حَلَّ فيهُمُ
وَلَن يُجبِرَ العَظمُ الَّذي مِنهُمُ وَهَى

12. Invoking his name each time he makes the call
While some seek inheritance from one deceased

١٢. وَفي كُلِّ وَقتٍ لِلصَلاةِ يَهيجُها
بِلالٌ وَيَدعو بِاِسمِهِ كُلَّما دَعا

13. The inheritance of prophethood and guidance is within us
Oh what sorrow! We saw our Prophet

١٣. وَيَطلُبُ أَقوامٌ مَواريثَ هالِكٍ
وَفينا مَواريثُ النُبُوَّةِ وَالهُدى

14. When the religion was complete and power was strong
The previous night his resemblance was like a journey in the night

١٤. فَيا حُزناً إِنّا رَأَينا نَبِيَّنا
عَلى حينِ تَمَّ الدينُ وَاِشتَدَّتِ القُوى

15. Most misguided with no stars or light to guide

١٥. وَكانَ الأُلى شُبهَتَهُ سَفرُ لَيلَةٍ
أَضَلُّ الهُدى لا نَجمَ فيها وَلا ضَوى