
The Imamate for me after our Ahmad

فرض الإمامة لي من بعد أحمدنا

1. The Imamate for me after our Ahmad
Is like the bucket attached to drawing water and blame

١. فَرضُ الإِمامَةِ لِي مِن بَعدِ أَحمَدِنا
كَالدَّلوِ عَلَقَّتِ التَكريبَ وَالوَذما

2. They were not people of piety in his prophethood
Nor did they care after him except to find fault

٢. لا في نُبُوَّتِهِ كانوا ذَوو وَرَعٍ
ولا رَعوا بَعدَهُ إِلّاً وَلا ذِمَما

3. If I had someone to quickly execute their order
My people would have become an exemplary community

٣. لَو كانَ لي جابِرٌ سرعانَ أَمرِهِمُ
خَلَّبَت قَومي فَكانوا أُمَّةٌ أُمَما