
Do not befriend the ignorant one,

فلا تصحب أخا الجهل

1. Do not befriend the ignorant one,
And beware of him.

١. فَلا تَصحَب أَخا الجَهلِ
وَإياكَ وَاِيّاهُ

2. For how many wise men has an ignorant one led astray,
When he befriended him.

٢. فَكَم مِن جاهِلٍ أَردى
حَليماً حينَ آخاهُ

3. A man is judged by the company he keeps,
When he is with one like himself.

٣. يُقاسُ المَرءُ بِالمَرءِ
إِذا ما هُوَ ما شاهُ

4. Like the matching of sandal to sandal,
When one sandal matches the other.

٤. كَحَذو النَعلِ بِالنَعلِ
إِذا ما النَعلُ حاذاهُ

5. And heart to heart is a guide,
When they meet each other.

٥. وَلِلقَلبِ عَلى القَلبِ
دَليلٌ حينَ يَلقاهُ

6. And things have standards and similarities with each other.
And the eye has richness for the eye,

٦. وَلِلشَيءِ مِن الشَيءِ
مَقاييسٌ وَأَشباهُ

7. If they speak though they have no mouths.
Wealth lies in souls while poverty lies in them too.

٧. وَفي العَينِ غِنىً لِلعَي
نِ إِن تَنطِق وَأَفواهُ

8. If souls are stingy, how little satisfies them!
Teach the soul to be content, or else

٨. الغِنى في النُفوسِ وَالفَقرُ فيها
اِن تَجَزَّت فَقَلَّ ما يُجزيها

9. It will ask more of you than suffices it.
In what is past and what has yet to come,

٩. عَلِّلِ النَفسَ بِالقَنوعِ وَاِلّا
طَلَبَت مِنكَ فَوقَ ما يَكفيها

10. There is no pleasure for one who demands it.
You are but the shadow of your lifetime. Whatever

١٠. لَيسَ فيما مَضى وَلا في الَّذي لَم
يَأتِ مِن لِذَةٍ لُمستَحلّيها

11. Hour you are in, that's all there is.

١١. إِنَّما أَنتَ ظلّ عُمركَ ما عَم
مَرتَ بِالساعَةِ الَّتي أَنتَ فيها