
Which of my two appointed days shall I flee from death,

أي يومي من الموت أفر

1. Which of my two appointed days shall I flee from death,
The day that is foreordained or the day of fate?

١. أَي يَومَيَّ مِنَ المَوتَ أَفِر
يَومَ لا يَقدِرُ أَو يَومَ قَدِر

2. The day that is predestined I do not fear,
And if it is destined, caution will not deliver me.

٢. يَومَ ما قُدِّرَ لا أَرهَبُهُ
وَإِذا قَدِّرَ لا يُنجي الحَذَر