1. When 'Ulayya and Muḍḥij unite
In a great battle, I am their commander.
١. إِذا اِجتَمَعَت عَليا مَعَدٍّ وَمُذحَجٍ
بِمَعرَكَةٍ كُبرى فَإِنّي أَميرُها
2. My horses charge into the fray submissively,
Their chests and necks bound tight.
٢. مُسلِمَةً أَكفالَ خَيلي في الوَغى
وَمَكلومَةً لِبانُها وَنُحورُها
3. It is taboo for our spears to stab one who flees.
Rather they plunge into chests as adversaries charge.
٣. حَرامٌ عَلى أَرماحِنا طَعنُ مُدبرٍ
وَتَندَقُّ مِنها في الصُدورِ صُدورُها