
You allowed something intolerable to the vigilant

سمحت بأمر لا يطاق حفيظة

1. You allowed something intolerable to the vigilant
And truly those who are vigilant are few

١. سَمَحتَ بِأَمرٍ لا يُطاقُ حفيظَةً
وَصِدقاً وَإِخوانُ الحِفاظِ قَليلُ

2. May God reward you well, for your hands
Have given bountifully of what they held

٢. جَزاكَ إِلَهُ الناسِ خَيراً فَقَد وَفَت
يَداكَ بَفَضلِ ما هُناكَ جَزيلُ