
If a soul were cast in silver according to merit

لو صيغ من فضة نفس على قدر

1. If a soul were cast in silver according to merit
It would, when most refined, turn to purest gold

١. لَو صِيغَ مِن فِضَّةٍ نَفسٌ عَلى قَدرِ
لَعادَ مِن فَضلِهِ لَمّا صَفا ذَهَبا

2. A man has no pedigree worth noting
Save by perfection of his qualities and manners true

٢. ما لِفَتىً حَسَبٌ إِلّا إِذا كَمُلَت
أَخلاقُهُ وَحَوى الآدابَ وَالحَسَبا

3. Seek then, my son, knowledge and gentility
That fortune's hands may reach thee - grasp and ask them bold

٣. فَاِطلُب فَدَيتُكَ عِلماً وَاِكتَسِب أَدَباً
تَظفَر يَداكَ بِهِ وَاِستَعجِلِ الطَّلَبا

4. God's grace on him, a man whose noble line
Is the flower of nobleness in very deed

٤. لِلّهِ دَرُّ فَتىً أَنسابُهُ كَرَمٌ
يا حَبَّذا كَرَمٌ أَضحى لَهُ نَسَبا

5. What but thy deeds defines a gentleman
Thy constancy, thy kindness to thy neighbor, though he chide

٥. هَلِ المُروءَةُ إِلّا ما تَقومُ بِهِ
مِنَ الذِمامِ وَحِفظِ الجارِ إِن عَتَبا

6. He whom our Prophet's faith refined not, made him pure,
Will wander perplexed amid events, distraught.

٦. مَن لَم يُؤَدِّبهُ دينُ المُصطَفى أَدَباً
مَحضاً تَحَيَّرَ في الأَحوالِ وَاِضطَرَبا