
A sister of Sakhra came and told me

أتاني أن هندا أخت صخر

1. A sister of Sakhra came and told me
That the Indians had called up their army and brought glad tidings,

١. أَتاني أَنَّ هِندَاً أُختَ صَخرٍ
دَعَت دَركاً وَبَشَّرَتِ الهُنودا

2. If you are proud of Hamza when he retreated,
To join the martyrs, seeking martyrdom,

٢. فَإِن تَفخَر بِحَمزَةَ حينَ وَلّى
مَعَ الشُهَداءِ مُحتَسِباً شَهيداً

3. Then we, on the day of Badr, had killed
Abu Jahl, Utbah and al-Walid,

٣. فَإِنَّا قَد قَتَلنا يَومَ بَدرٍ
أَبا جَهلٍ وَعُتبَةَ وَالوَليدا

4. And we killed the best knights of mankind,
And seized their women and slaves,

٤. وَقَتَّلنا سُراةَ الناسِ طُرّاً
وَغُنِّمنا الوَلائِدَ وَالعَبيدا

5. And we killed Shaybah on that day of yours,
Hanging from his clothes, slain,

٥. وَشَيبَةَ قَد قَتَلنا يَومَ ذاكُم
عَلى أَثَوابِهِ عَلَقاً جَسيدا

6. So he was destined for the worst abode in Hell,
In it he found no refuge,

٦. فَبُوِّأَ مِن جَهَنَّمَ شَرَّ دارٍ
عَلَيها لَم يَجِد عَنها مُحيدا

7. It is not equal, one who is in Hellfire,
Drinking there boiling water,

٧. وَما سِيّانِ مَن هُوَ في جَحيمٍ
يَكونُ شَرابُهُ فيها صَديدا

8. And one who is in Paradise, living there happily,
With sustenance pouring upon him, pleased and praiseworthy.

٨. وَمَن هُوَ في الجِنانِ يَدَرُّ فيها
عَلَيهِ الرِزقَ مُغتَبِطاً حَميدا