1. Do not speak too much at the wrong time,
And accustom yourself to graceful silence, which adorns the mind.
١. فَلا تُكثِرَنَّ القَولَ في غَيرِ وَقتِهِ
وَأَدمِن عَلى الصَمتِ المُزيِّنِ لِلعَقلِ
2. A young man dies from a slip of his tongue,
But no man dies from a slip of the foot.
٢. يَموتُ الفَتى مِن عَثرَةٍ بِلسانِهِ
وَلَيسَ يَموتُ المَرءُ مِن عَثرَةِ الرِّجلِ
3. For the slip of the tongue throws him down headlong,
While the slip of the foot rights itself at leisure.
٣. فَعثرَتُهُ مَن فيهِ تَرمي بِرَأسِهِ
وَعَثرَتهِ بِالرِّجلِ تَبَرا عَل مَهلِ
4. Do not spread gossip with your unrestrained talk,
And bring hatred upon yourself by a slip of the sandal.
٤. وَلا تَكُ مِبثاثاً لِقَولِكَ مُفشياً
فَتَستَجلِبِ البَغضاءَ مِن زَلَّةَ النَعلِ