1. Were this world attained by wisdom and merit, I would sit enthroned on high;
But in this lottery of life, we draw our lots as Heav'n may decide.
١. فَلَو كانَتِ الدُنيا تُنالُ بِفِطنَةٍ
وَفَضلٍ وَعَقَلٍ نِلتُ أَعلى المَراتِبِ
2. Not wisdom, wit or intellect confers this world's prosperity,
But only destiny, bestowed through grace of God, the Most High.
٢. وَلَكِنَّما الأَرزاقُ حَظٌّ وَقِسمَةٌ
بَفَضلِ مَليكٍ لا بِحيلَةِ طالِبِ