
Patience is the key to what is hoped for

الصبر مفتاح ما يرجى

1. Patience is the key to what is hoped for
And with it all good things come

١. الصَبرُ مِفتاحُ ما يُرجّى
وَكُلُّ خَيرٍ بِهِ يَكونُ

2. So be patient though the nights be long
For soon the difficult may become easy

٢. فَاِصبِر وَإِن طالَتِ اللَيالي
فَرُبَّما طاوَعَ الحُرونُ

3. And perhaps with perseverance
What was said 'never' may be attained

٣. وَرُبما نِيلَ بِاِصطِبارٍ
ما قيلَ هَيهاتَ ما يَكونُ