1. I am silent to guarded speech,
And I dream, and the dream in me is most like.
١. أَصَمُّ عَنِ الكَلِمِ المُحفِظاتِ
وَأَحلُمُ وَالحِلمُ بي أَشبَهُ
2. Yet I do leave off sweet discourse,
Lest I be answered with what I abhor.
٢. وَإِنّي لَأَترُكَ حُلوَ الكَلامِ
كِئلّا أُجابُ بِما أَكرَهُ
3. When the foolish man vents on me his foolishness,
I, more foolish than he,
٣. إِذا ما اِجتَرَرتَ سَفاهَ السَفيهِ
عَليَّ فَإِنّي أَنا الأَسفَهُ
4. So think not yourself made happy by men's raving,
Though they grace you or pretend.
٤. فَلا تَغتَرِر بِرَواءِ الرِجالِ
وَإِن زَخرَفوا لَكَ أَو مَوَّهوا
5. For many a lad will please beholders,
With tongues and faces fine,
٥. فَكَم مِن فَتىً يُعجِبُ الناظِرينَ
لَهُ أَلسُنٌ وَلَهُ أَوجُهُ
6. Who sleeps when noble matters call,
And wakes at deeds of shame.
٦. يَنامُ إِذا حَضَرَ المَكرماتِ
وَعِندَ الدَناءَةِ يَستَنبِهُ