
Not equal are those who dwell in mosques

لا يستوي من يعمر المساجدا

1. Not equal are those who dwell in mosques
And those who bow and prostrate through the night

١. لا يَستَوي مَن يَعمُرُ المَساجِدا
وَمَن يَبيتُ راكِعاً وَساجِدا

2. Devoting themselves to bowing and prostration
And those who defiantly resist this way

٢. يَدأَبُ فيها راكِعاً وَساجِداً
وَمَن يَكُرُّ هَكَذا مُعانِدا

3. Standing at times, at times sitting
And those who turn away from the dust

٣. وَقائِماً طَوراً وَطَوراً قاعِدا
وَمَن يَرى عَنِ الغُبارِ حائِداً