1. The joys of this world are but a borrowed delight,
And a man's life a garment taken on loan.
١. إِنَّما نِعمَةَ دُنيا مُتعَةً
وَحياةُ المَرءِ ثَوبٌ مُستَعار
2. The vicissitudes of Fate revolve in their turns,
Rising and falling in ceaseless rounds.
٢. وَصُروفُ الدَهرِ في أَطباقِهِ
حَلقَةٌ فيها إرتِفاعٌ وَانحِدار
3. While man in his heyday of glory and might,
Is flung into an abyss from which he is gone.
٣. بَينَما الإِنسانُ في عليائِها
إِذ هَوى في هُوّةً مِنها فَغار