
Glory to the Lord of servants, O Worshipped One

سبحان رب العباد يا وبره

1. Glory to the Lord of servants, O Worshipped One
And Provider of the righteous and dawn

١. سُبحانَ رَبِّ العِبادِ يا وَبرَه
وَرازِقُ المُتَّقينَ وَالفَجَره

2. If the sustenance of servants were from striving
You would not have received from the sustenance of our Lord a kernel

٢. لَو كانَ رِزقُ العِبادِ عَن جَلَدٍ
ما نِلتَ مِن رِزقِ رَبِّنا مَدَرَه