
I am for the sword, to it I go,

أنا للحراب اليها

1. I am for the sword, to it I go,
And with my soul I protect it.

١. أَنا لِلحِرابِ اِلَيها
وَبِنَفسي أَتَّقيها

2. A blessing from the Creator,
With which He has privileged me.

٢. نِعمَةٌ مِن خالِقٍ
مَن بِها قَد خَصَّنيها

3. You will not see in the battle's heat,
One who came to it equal to me.

٣. لَن تَرى في حَومَةِ الهَي
جاءِ لِي فيها شَبيها

4. And I have the precedence in Islam,
As a child and as a man of stature.

٤. وَلِيَ السُبقَةُ في الإِس
لامِ طِفلاً وَوَجيها

5. And I have the closeness, if one day,
An honorable man claims it.

٥. وَلِيَ القُربَةَ إِن قا
مَ شَريفٌ يَنتَميها

6. He blessed me with knowledge abundantly,
Through it, I have become a jurist.

٦. زَقَّني بِالعِلمِ زَقّاً
فيهِ قَد صِرتُ فَقيها

7. And I take pride over the people,
With Fatima and her sons.

٧. وَلِيَ الفَخرُ عَلى النا
سِ بِفاطِم وَبَنيها

8. Then my pride is in the Messenger of God,
When he married me to her.

٨. ثُمَ فَخري بِرَسولِ ال
لَهِ إِذ زَوَّجنيها

9. And I had glorious moments in Badr,
The day people were confused in it.

٩. لِيَ وَقعاتٌ بِبَدرٍ
يَومَ حارَ الناسِ فيها

10. And in Ohod and Hunayn,
Then assaults followed them.

١٠. وَبِأُحدٍ وَحُنَينٍ
ثُمَّ صَولاتٌ تَليها

11. And I carry the banner truly,
Containing it.

١١. وَأَنا الحامِلُ لِلرا
يَةِ حقاً أَحتَويها

12. And if Ahmad goes to war,
He sends me forth in it.

١٢. وَإِذا أَضرَمَ حَرباً
أَحمَدٌ قَدَّمَنيها

13. And if the Messenger of God calls,
Towards me saying: Come to me!

١٣. وَإِذا نادى رَسولُ ال
لهِ نَحوي قُلتُ إيها