
Why have I paused by the graves to bid farewell,

مالي وقفت على القبور مسلما

1. Why have I paused by the graves to bid farewell,
My beloved's grave, but no reply comes my call,

١. مالِي وَقَفتُ عَلى القُبورِ مُسَلِّماً
قَبرَ الحَبيبِ فَلَم يَرُدَّ جَوابي

2. My beloved, why no reply comes from you,
Have you forgotten after me the intimates dear?

٢. أَحَبيبُ مالَكَ لا تَرُدُّ جَوابَنا
اَنَسيتَ بَعدي خِلَّةَ الأَحبابِ

3. The beloved replied: How can I answer your call
When shrouded in dust and earth lies all?

٣. قالَ الحَبيبُ وَكَيفَ لِي بِجَوابِكُم
وَأَنا رَهينُ جَنادِلٍ وَتُرابِ

4. The earth has eaten my charms so I forget you,
Veiled from my folk and companions true,

٤. أَكَلَ التُرابُ مَحاسِني فَنَسيتُكُم
وَحُجِبتُ عَن أَهلي وَعَن أَترابي

5. My greetings to you though severed ties
Of love between you and I in demise.

٥. فَعَلَيكُمُ مِنّي السَلامَ تَقَطَّعَت
مِنّي وَمِنكُم خِلَّةَ الأَحبابِ