1. Do the ignorant youth think that we
Are not like them when on horses mounted?
١. أَيَحسَبُ أَولادَ الجَهالَةِ أَنَنا
عَلى الخيلِ لَسنا مِثلَهُم في الفَوارِسِ
2. Ask the sons of Badr when you meet them
About my killing of equal warriors on the day of skirmishing
٢. فَسائِل بَني بَدرٍ إِذا ما لَقيتَهُم
بِقَتلي ذَوي الأَقرانِ يَومِ التَمارُسِ
3. And this is Allah's Messenger among us
Like the full moon, by whom Allah defeated the enemies in retreat
٣. وَهَذا رَسولُ اللَهِ كَالبَدرِ بَينَنا
بِهِ كَشَفَ اللَهُ العِدى بِالتَناكُسِ
4. And we are a people who do not consider war a fault
Nor do we waver when gripped by piercing spears
٤. وَإِنّا أُناسٌ لا نَرى الحَربَ سِبَّةً
وَلا نَنثَني عِندَ الرِماحِ المُداعِسِ
5. So whatever is said about us after it
It did not spare any of us to be armored
٥. فَما قيلَ فينا بَعدَها مِن مَقالَةٍ
فَما غادَرَت منّا جَديداً لِلاَبَسِ