1. Those are the Quraysh, they wished me dead
Yet by your Lord, they gained naught, nor prevailed
١. تلِكُم قُرَيشُ تَمَنّاني لِتَقتُلَني
فَلا وَرَبِّكَ ما بَرّوا وَما ظَفِروا
2. If I live, my promise binds me to avenge
With a keen sword, that grants no respite
٢. فَإِن بَقيتُ فَرَهنٌ ذِمَّتي لَكُمُ
بِذاتِ وَدقَينِ لا نَعفو لَها أَثَرُ
3. And if I die, I bequeath them a life
Of disgrace, for they betrayed and schemed
٣. وَإِن هِلِكتُ فَإِنّي سَوفَ أورِثُهُم
ذَلَّ الحَياةِ فَقَد خانوا وَقَد غَدَروا
4. While I live, I take no tribe or creed
As allies, once they went astray
٤. أَما بَقَيتُ فَإِنّي لَستُ مُتَّخِذاً
أَهلا وَلا شيعَةً في الدّينِ إِذ فَجَروا
5. They pledged to me, but broke their word
And plotted against me with enemies, when they schemed
٥. قَد بايَعوني وَلَم يوفوا بِبَيعَتِهِم
وَماكَروني بِالأَعداءِ إِذ مَكَروا
6. And turned against me, in relentless war
Unlike what Abu Bakr or Umar faced
٦. وَناصَبوني في حَربٍ مُضَرَّسَةٍ
ما لَم يُلاقِ أَبو بَكرٍ وَلا عُمَرُ