
The son of Abd charged into battle

آلى ابن عبد حين جاء محاربا

1. The son of Abd charged into battle
And you swore to listen, you liars

١. آلى اِبنُ عَبدٍ حينَ جاءَ مُحارِباً
وَحَلَفتَ فَاِستَمِعوا مِنَ الكَذّابِ

2. That he would not flee or tire, so two lions clashed
Both striking out

٢. أَن لا يَفِرَّ وَلا يَمَلِّلَ فَاِلتَقى
أَسَدانِ يَضطَرِبانِ كُلُّ ضِرابِ

3. Today my vigilance prevents my flight
Resolute, with no weakness of mind

٣. اليَومَ يَمنَعُني الفَرارُ حَفيظَتي
وَمُصَمِّمٌ في الرَأسِ لَيسَ بِنابِ

4. Shall I charge the horsemen like this?
Tell my comrades about me and them

٤. أَعليَّ تَقتَحِمُ الفَوارِسَ هَكَذا
عَنّي وَعَنهُم خَبِّروا أَصحابي

5. So I went seeking combat with angry flashing swords
Along with the short swords in the scabbards

٥. فَغَدَوتُ أَلتَمِسُ القِراعَ بِمُرهَفٍ
عَضبٍ مَعَ البَتراءِ في أَقرابِ

6. I went seeking combat, swords bared,
Angry like the color of salt in scabbards

٦. وَغَدَوتُ اَلتَمِسُ القِراعَ وَصارِمٌ
عَضبٌ كَلَونِ المِلحِ في اَقرابِ

7. The son of Abd realized when he saw the bare blades
That this was no joking matter

٧. عَرَفَ اِبنُ عَبدٍ حينَ أَبصَرَ صارِماً
يَهتَزُّ أَنَّ الأَمرَ غَيرُ لِعابِ

8. Umair proved when he drew his polished sword
Its steel gleaming and rewarding my thrusts

٨. أَدّى عُمَيرٌ حينَ أَخلَصَ صَقلَهُ
صافي الحَديدَةِ يَستَفيضُ ثَوابي

9. I wanted Omar when he raged with his Indian blade
Polished steel, tested and slaughtering

٩. أَردَيتُ عَمراً إِذ طَغى بِمُهَنَّدٍ
صافي الحَديدِ مُجَرَّبٍ قَصّابِ

10. So I repelled him when I left him lying prone
Like a log between blows and millstones

١٠. فَصَدَدتُ حينَ تَرَكتُهُ مُتَجَدِّلاً
كَالجِذعِ بَينَ دَكادِكٍ وَرَوابي

11. And I refused his clothes though had I
Been dripping with sweat, I'd have wanted clothes

١١. وَعَفَفتُ عَن اَثوابِهِ وَلَوَ اَنَّني
كُنتُ المُقَطَّرَ بَزَّني أَثوابي

12. Abd worshipped rocks in his foolishness
While I worshipped the Lord of Muhammad rightly

١٢. عَبدَ الحِجارَةَ مِن سَفاهَةِ رَأيِهِ
وَعَبَدتُ رَبَّ مُحَمَّدٍ بِصَوابي

13. Think not that God would abandon His religion
And His prophet, O all you factions

١٣. لا تَحسَبَنَّ اللَهَ خاذِلُ دينِهِ
وَنَبِيَّهُ يا مَعشَرَ الأَحزابِ