
Did you not see how God afflicted His messenger

ألم تر أن الله أبلى رسوله

1. Did you not see how God afflicted His messenger
With the trial of a mighty, powerful, eminent one

١. أَلَم تَرَ أَنَّ اللَهَ أَبلى رَسولَهُ
بَلاءَ عَزيزٍ ذي اقتِدارٍ وَذي فَضلِ

2. By what He cast down the disbelievers to a house of disgrace -
So they tasted humiliation, from captivity and from killing

٢. بِما أَنزلَ الكُفّارَ دارَ مَذَلّةٍ
فَذاقوا هَواناً مِن أَسارٍ وَمِن قَتلِ

3. While the victory of God's messenger was made supreme,
And God's messenger was sent with justice,

٣. وَأَمسى رَسولَ اللَهِ قَد عَزَّ نَصرُهُ
وَكانَ رَسولَ اللَهِ أُرسِلَ بِالعَدلِ

4. So he came with a revelation from God, sent down,
Its verses clear for people of intellect.

٤. فَجاءَ بِفُرقانٍ مِنَ اللَهِ مُنزَلٍ
مُبَيّنَةٍ آياتُهُ لِذَوي العَقلِ

5. So a people believed in that and became certain,
And they spent the night praising God, united.

٥. فَآمَنَ اَقوامٌ بِذاكَ وَأَيقَنوا
وَأَمسوا بِحَمدِ اللَهِ مُجتَمِعي الشَملِ

6. While a people denied, so their hearts deviated,
So the Lord of the Throne increased them in further deviation.

٦. وَأَنكَرَ أَقوامٌ فَزاغَت قُلوبُهُم
فَزادَهُمُ ذو العَرشِ خَبلاً عَلى خَبلِ

7. And He enabled His messenger on the day of Badr
And a resolute people whose deed was most excellent.

٧. وَأَمكَنَ مِنهُم يَومَ بَدرٍ رَسولَهُ
وَقَوماً غِضاباً فِعلَهُم أَحسَنُ الفِعلِ

8. With white, sharp, polished swords in their hands
Which they had burnished with clearing and polishing.

٨. بِأَيديَهُم بيضٌ خِفافٌ قَواطِعٌ
وَقَد حادَثوها بِالجَلاءِ وَبِالصَقلِ

9. So how many spirited youths still growing
Did they leave slain, and how many aged among them did they fell

٩. فَكَم تَرَكوا مِن ناشئٍ ذو حَمِيَّةٍ
صَريعاً وَمِن ذي نَجدَةٍ مِنهُمُ كَهلِ

10. The eyes of wailing women weep over them
Profusely shedding copious, abundant tears

١٠. تَبيتُ عيونُ النائِحاتِ عَلَيهِمُ
تَجودُ بِأَسبابِ الرَشاشِ وَبِالوَبلِ

11. Wailings mourning Utbah the lost and his son,
And Shaybah they mourn, and they mourn Abu Jahl,

١١. نَوائِحُ تَنعي عُتبَةَ الغَيِّ وابنَهُ
وَشَيبَةَ تَنعاهُ وَتَنعي أَبا جَهلِ

12. And Dhul Tha`labiyya they mourn, and Ibn Jad`an among them
Stripped, intensely wretched, clearly anguished

١٢. وَذا الذَحل تَنعى وَاِبنُ جَدعانَ مِنهُمُ
مُسلَبَةً حَرّى مَبيَّنَةَ الثَكلِ

13. A party of them lies in the well of Badr -
Men of prowess in wars and on the battlefield.

١٣. ثَوى مِنهُمُ في بِئرِ بَدرٍ عِصابَةٌ
ذوو نَجَداتٍ في الحُروبِ وَفي المَحلِ

14. Those among them who called on al-Ghayy He answered,
And for al-Ghayy there are causes with severed ties.

١٤. دَعا الغَيَّ مِنهُم مَن دَعا فَأَجابَهُ
وَلِلغَيِّ أَسبابٌ مُقَطَّعَةُ الوَصلِ

15. So they came to reside at the house of Hellfire
Busy from transgression and aggression in most pressing business

١٥. فَأَضحوا لَدى دارِ الجَحيمِ بِمَنزِلٍ
عَن البَغيِ وَالعُدوانِ في أَشغَلِ الشُغلِ