1. The war knows my determination as the enemy approaches,
Though I am now old and my youth has passed.
١. قضد عَرِفَ الحَربَ العِوانَ أَنّي
بازِلُ عامِلَينِ حَديثُ سِنِّ
2. The night smiles gently as if to congratulate me,
As I go to face the enemy with all my skill.
٢. سَنَحنَحُ اللَيلُ كَأَنّي جَنّي
أَستَقبِلُ الحَربَ بِكُلِّ فَنِّ
3. With me are my weapons and my experience,
And a sharp sword to cut through all hardship.
٣. مَعي سِلاحي وَمَعي مِجَنّي
وَصارِمٍ يَذهَبُ كُلَ ضَغنِ
4. With it I drive back every foe from me,
For this my mother gave birth to me.
٤. أُقصي بِهِ كُلَّ عَدُّوٍ عَنّي
لِمثلِ هَذا وَلَدَتني أُمّي