
Do not submit to any creature out of greed

لا تخضعن لمخلوق على طمع

1. Do not submit to any creature out of greed
For that is a weakness in religion from you

١. لا تَخضَعَنَّ لِمَخلوقٍ عَلى طَمَعٍ
فَإِنَّ ذَلِكَ وَهنٌ مِنكَ في الدينِ

2. And seek provision from Allah of what is in His treasuries
For the matter is only between the "K" and the "N"

٢. وَاَستَرزِقِ اللَهَ مِمّا في خَزائِنِهِ
فَإِنَّما الأَمرُ بَينَ الكافِ وَالنونِ

3. Indeed, that which you hope for and anticipate
From people is a poor son of a poor person

٣. إِنَّ الَّذي أَنتَ تَرجوهُ وَتَأمَلُهُ
مِنَ البَرِيَّةِ مِسكينُ اِبنُ مِسكينِ

4. How good is generosity in worldly life and in religion
And how ugly is stinginess in one formed from clay

٤. ما أَحسَنَ الجود في الدُنيا وَفي الدينِ
وَأَقبَح البُخل فيمَن صِيغَ مِن طينِ

5. How good are religion and worldly life when they come together
May Allah not bless a worldly life without religion

٥. ما أَحسَنَ الدين وَالدُنيا إِذا اِجتَمَعا
لا باركَ اللَهُ في دُنيا بِلا دينِ

6. If intelligence increased wealth
Every intelligent person would be like Qarun

٦. لَو كانَ بِاللُّبِ يَزدادُ اللَبيبُ غِنىً
لَكانَ كُلُّ لَبيبٍ مِثل قارونِ

7. But provision is by a scale of wisdom
He gives to the intelligent and gives to every worthless person

٧. لَكِنَّما الرِزقُ بِالميزانِ مِن حَكَمٍ
يُعطي اللَبيبَ وَيُعطي كُلَّ مَأفونِ