1. The tribe of Azd, their swords are upon all their enemies,
And the sword of Ahmed, to whom the Arabs submitted,
١. الأَزدُ سِيَفي عَلى الأَعداءِ كُلِّهِمُ
وَسيفُ أَحمَدَ مَن دانَت لَهُ العَرَبُ
2. A people who, when suddenly confronted, prove their mettle, and if defeated,
Do not falter, nor do they know flight,
٢. قَومٌ إِذا فاجَأوا أَبلوا وَإِن غُلِبوا
لا يُحجِمونَ وَلا يَدرونَ ما الهَرَبُ
3. A people whose attire in every battlefield,
Is white, smooth, and plunder of David,
٣. قَومٌ لُبوسُهُمُ في كُلِّ مُعتَرَكٍ
بيضٌ رِقاقٌ وَداودِيَةٌ سُلُبُ
4. The white upon heads beneath which is prowess,
And upon the robes, the dark complexion and might,
٤. البيضُ فَوقَ رُؤوسٍ تَحتَها اليَلَبُ
وَفي الأَنامِلِ سُمرُ الخَطِّ وَالقَضَبُ
5. The white laughs while deaths wail,
And the dark complexion trembles while souls are seized,
٥. البيضُ تَضحَكُ وَالآجالُ تَنتَحِبُ
وَالسُمرُ تَرعِفُ وَالأَرواحُ تُنتَهَبُ
6. And which day of the days is there not for them,
An act in it that is beyond wonder?
٦. وَأَيُّ يَومٍ مِنَ الأَيّامِ لَيسَ لَهُم
فيهِ مِنَ الفِعلِ ما مِن دُونِهِ العَجَبُ
7. The Azd are most charitable when walking on foot,
And highest ranking when mounted,
٧. الأَزدُ أَزيَدُ مَن يَمشي عَلى قَدَمٍ
فَضلاً وَأَعلاهُمُ قَدراً إِذا رَكِبوا
8. O tribe of Azd, you are a high-minded tribe,
Who do not weaken when times get tough,
٨. يا مَعشَرَ الأَزدِ أَنتُم مَعشَرٌ أُنُفٌ
لا يَضعُفونَ إِذا ما اِشتَدَّتِ الحُقُبُ
9. You have kept your word and loyalty is your trait,
And never has falsehood mixed with your honesty,
٩. وَفَيتُمُ وَوَفاءُ العَهدِ شيمَتَكُم
وَلَم يُخالِط قَديماً صِدقَكُم كَذِبُ
10. When you get angry, people fear your might,
And easing it on them becomes difficult for you,
١٠. إِذا غَضِبتُم يَهابُ الخَلقُ سَطوَتَكُم
وَقَد يَهونُ عَلَيكُم مِنهُمُ الغَضَبُ
11. O tribe of Azd, I am pleased with all of you,
You are the chiefs, not the riffraff,
١١. يا مَعشَرَ الأَزذِ إِنّي مِن جَميعِكُمُ
راضٍ وَأَنتُم رُؤوسُ الأَمرَ لا الذَنَبُ
12. Azd will not despair of life and forgiveness,
And God looks after them wherever they go,
١٢. لَن يَيئَسِ الأَزذُ مِن روحٍ وَمَغفِرَةٍ
وَاللَهُ يَكلَؤُهُم مِن حَيثُ ما ذَهَبوا
13. You are good people recently, as your first were,
And grapes are not picked from the thorn,
١٣. طِبتُم حَديثاً كَما قَد طابَ أَوَّلُكُم
وَالشَوكُ لا يُجتَنى مِن فَرعِهِ العِنَبُ
14. And Azd is an origin, if competed with, they excel,
Or contended with, they prevail, or if oppressed, they overcome,
١٤. وَالأَزدُ جُرثومَةٌ إِن سُوبِقوا سَبَقوا
أَو فُوخِروا فَخَروا أَو غُولِبوا غَلَبوا
15. Or if found many, they multiply, or if shown patience, they endure,
Or if accused falsely, they forbear, or if robbed, they recover,
١٥. أَو كُوثِروا كَثُروا أَو صُوبِروا صَبروا
أَو سوهِموا سَهَموا أَو سُولِبوا سَلَبوا
16. They were chosen, so the Creator made them successors,
No vanity or frivolity tainted their chosen ones,
١٦. صَفَوا فَأَصفاهُم الباري وِلايَتَهُ
فَلَم يَشِب صَفوَهُم لَهوٌ وَلا لَعِبُ
17. Due to their good manners, their gatherings are pleasant,
Neither ignorance dishonors them, nor nonsense,
١٧. مِن حُسنِ أَخلاقِهِم طابَت مَجالِسُهُم
لا الجَهلُ يَهروهُم فيها وَلا الصَخَبُ
18. They do not exaggerate what they discipline besides their seeker,
And the lion fears them when they get angry,
١٨. الغَيتَ ما رَوِّضوا مِن دونِ نائِلِهِم
وَالأُسدُ تَرهَبُهُم يَوماً إِذا غَضِبوا
19. The gentlest handed of people when asked,
And most resolute hearted when called upon,
١٩. أَندى الأَنامِ أَكُفّاً حينَ تَسأَلُهُم
وَأَربَطُ الناسِ جَأشاً إِن هُمُ نُدِبوا
20. And which large army's unity cannot be broken,
When Ghassan and Nudb submit to them,
٢٠. وَأَيُّ جَمعٍ كَثيرٍ لا تُفَرِّقُهُ
إِذا تَدانَت لَهُم غَسّانُ وَالنُدبُ
21. So may God reward them for what they came and loved,
The Messenger and every good they earned.
٢١. فَاللَهُ يَجزيهِم عَمّا أَتَوا وَحَبَوا
بِهِ الرَسولَ وَما مِن صالِحٍ كَسَبوا