
If a young man lives sixty years,

إذا عاش الفتى ستين عاما

1. If a young man lives sixty years,
Half his life is swept away by nights,

١. إِذا عاشَ الفَتى ستينَ عاماً
فَنِصفُ العُمرِ تَمحَقُهُ اللَيالي

2. And half the half goes unknowingly,
Right to left, from inattention.

٢. وَنِصفُ النِصفِ يَذهَبُ لَيسَ يَدري
لِغَفلَتِهِ يَميناً مِن شِمالِ

3. And a third of the half is wants and greed,
And busyness with livelihood and family.

٣. وَثُلثُ النِصفِ آمالٌ وَحِرصٌ
وَشُغلٌ بِالمَكاسِبِ وَالعيالِ

4. The rest of life is sickness and old age,
And sorrow for departure and moving on.

٤. وَباقي العُمرِ أَسقامٌ وَشَيبٌ
وَهَمٌّ بِاِرتِحالٍ وَاِنتِقالِ

5. So a person's love of long life is ignorance,
And apportioning it according to this example.

٥. فَحُبُّ المَرءِ طولَ العُمرِ جَهلٌ
وَقِسمَتَهُ عَلى هَذا المِثالِ