
Be patient with fate, do not get angry at anyone

اصبر على الدهر لا تغضب على أحد

1. Be patient with fate, do not get angry at anyone
You will not see anything other than what is destined

١. اصبِر عَلى الدَهرِ لا تَغضَب عَلى أَحَدٍ
فَلا تَرى غَيرَ ما في الدَهرِ مَخطوطُ

2. Do not settle in a home from which you derive no benefit
For the earth is vast and sustenance is spread wide

٢. وَلا تَقيمَنَّ بِدارٍ لا انتِفاعَ بِها
فَالأَرضُ واسِعَةٌ وَالرِزقُ مَبسوطُ