
In form, people are all equal

الناس من جهة التمثال اكفاء

1. In form, people are all equal
Adam is their father, Eve their mother

١. الناسُ مِن جِهَةِ التِمثالِ اَكفاءُ
أَبوهُمُ آدَمُ وَالأُمُ حَوّاءُ

2. Each soul is like the other, spirits alike
In them the greatest qualities were created and limbs

٢. نَفسٌ كَنَفسٍ وَأَرواحٌ مُشاكَلَةٌ
وَأَعظُمٍ خُلِقَت فيها وَأَعضاءُ

3. The mothers of men are but vessels
Depositories, while fathers determine the accounts

٣. وَإِنَّما أُمَّهاتُ الناسِ أَوعِيَةٌ
مُستَودِعاتٌ وَلِلأَحسابِ آباءُ

4. If they can take pride in their origin
Then it is but clay and water

٤. فَإِن يَكُن لَهُمُ مِن أَصلِهِم شَرَفٌ
يُفاخِرونَ بِهِ فَالطينُ وَالماءُ

5. No merit except for the learned
They are guides, for those who seek guidance, trustees

٥. ما الفَضلُ إِلا لِأَهلِ العِلمِ إِنَّهُمُ
عَلى الهُدى لِمَنِ اِستَهدى أَدِلّاءُ

6. To each person belongs what he masters
And men are named for their deeds

٦. وَقَدرُ كُلِّ اِمرِئٍ ما كاَن يُحسِنُهُ
وَلِلرِجالِ عَلى الأَفعالِ اسماءُ

7. The antithesis of each is what he does not grasp
And the ignorant are the enemies of the learned

٧. وَضِدُّ كُلِّ اِمرِئٍ ما كانَ يَجهَلُهُ
وَالجاهِلونَ لِأَهلِ العِلمِ أَعداءُ

8. Though you come with generosity, of noble lineage
Our lineage is generosity and loftiness

٨. وَإِن أَتَيتَ بِجودٍ مِن ذَوي نَسَبٍ
فَإِنَّ نِسبَتَنا جودٌ وَعَلياءُ

9. So win knowledge, do not seek payment for it
For people are dead, but the learned are alive

٩. فَفُز بِعِلمٍ وَلا تَطلُب بِهِ بَدَلاً
فَالناسُ مَوتى وَأهُلُ العِلمِ أَحياءُ