
Muhammad, the Prophet, is my brother and kinsman

محمد النبي أخي وصهري

1. Muhammad, the Prophet, is my brother and kinsman
And Hamza is the master of martyrs, my uncle

١. مُحَمَدٌ النَّبيُّ أَخي وَصِهري
وَحَمزَةُ سَيِّدِ الشُهداءِ عَمّي

2. And Ja'far who sacrifices morning and night
The son of my mother flies with the angels

٢. وَجَعفَرٌ الَّذي يُضحي وَيُمسي
يَطيرُ مَعَ المَلائِكَةِ اِبنَ أُمّي

3. And the daughter of Muhammad settled in my home
Her flesh mixed with my flesh and blood

٣. وَبِنتُ مُحَمَّدٍ سَكَني وَعُرسي
مَشوبٌ لَحمُها بِدَمي وَلَحمي

4. And the two grandsons Ahmad and from her
Who among you has a share like my share?

٤. وَسبطا أَحمَدٌ وَلَداي مِنها
فَمَن منكم لَهُ سَهمٌ كَسَهمي

5. I preceded you to Islam impetuously
A boy who had not reached the age of discretion

٥. سَبَقتُكُمُ إِلى الإِسلامِ طُرّاً
غُلاماً ما بَلَغَتُ أَوانَ حلمي

6. I am the hero whom you will not deny
On the day of Kerbala and the day of peace

٦. أَنا البَطَلُ الَّذي لَن تُنكِرَوهُ
لِيَومِ كَريهَةٍ وَلِيَومِ سِلمِ

7. And the Messenger of Allah made it obligatory on you
My authority on the day of Ghadir Khumm

٧. وَأَوجَبَ لي وِلايَتَهُ عَلَيكُم
رَسولُ اللَهِ يَومَ غَديرِ خَمِّ

8. And the Prophet entrusted me with the choice
With his oath the morning after tomorrow at Rahmah

٨. وَأَوصاني النَبيُّ عَلى اِختيارٍ
بِبَيعَتِهِ غَداةَ غَدٍ بِرَحمِ

9. And he entrusted me to his nation for my rule
Is there anyone among you with a foot like my foot?

٩. وَأَوصى بِي لِأُمَتِهِ لِحُكمي
فَهَل فيكُم لَهُ قدمٌ كَقدمي

10. So woe, then woe, then woe
To the denier of my authority without crime

١٠. فَوَيلٌ ثُمَّ وَيلٌ ثُمَّ وَيلٌ
لِجاحِدِ طاعَتي مِن غَيرِ جُرمِ