
You have saddled my whole life with an utter fool,

أدمت لعمري شريك المحض صابحا

1. You have saddled my whole life with an utter fool,
Who eats you up as the peeled scum of the sea,

١. أَدَمتَ لِعَمري شَريَكَ المَحضَ صابِحاً
وَأَكَلَكَ بَالزُبدِ المُقَشَرَةِ البُحرا

2. While we have given you sublime heights, though you were not
Exalted, and have placed about you bay and sumac.

٢. وَنَحنُ وَهَبناكَ العَلاءَ وَلَم تَكُن
عَلِيّاً وَحَطَنا حَولَكَ الجُردَ وَالسُمرا