1. People have a greed for this world and its gains
Though its pleasure for you is mixed with pains
١. لِلنّاسِ حِرصٌ عَلى الدُنيا بِتَدبيرِ
وَصَفوُها لَكَ مَمزوجٌ بَتَكديرِ
2. How many worthy men it does not aid
And weaklings gain their worldly goods with little pains
٢. كَم مِن مُلِحٍّ عَلَيها لا تُساعِدُهُ
وَعاجِزٍ نالَ دُنياهُ بِتَقصيرِ
3. They were not granted it by their wisdom when granted
But it was granted by divine ordains
٣. لَم يُرزَقوها بِعَقلٍ حينما رُزِقوا
لَكِنَّهُم رُزِقوها بِالمقاديرِ
4. Had it been by power or efforts impelling
Vagabonds would have taken the birds' grains
٤. لَو كانَ عَن قُوَّةٍ أَو مُغالَبَةٍ
طارَ البُزاةُ بِأَرزاقِ العَصافيرِ
5. A morsel with salt is dearer to its eater
Than a sumptuous feast that is filled with disdains
٥. وَلُقمَةٌ بِجَريشِ الملِحِ آكُلُها
أَحَبُّ مِن لُقمَةٍ تُحشى بِزَنبورِ
6. How many a morsel brought death to its taker
Like a grain of wheat that cracked a sparrow's brains
٦. كَم لُقمَةٍ جَلَبَت حَتفاً لِصاحِبِها
كَحَبَةِ القَمحِ دَقَّت عُنقَ عَصفورِ