
God is alive, eternal, able, self-sufficient

ألله حي قديم قادر صمد

1. God is alive, eternal, able, self-sufficient
None shares with Him in His kingdom anyone

١. أَللَهُ حَيٌّ قَديمٌ قادِرٌ صَمَدُ
فَلَيسَ يَشركهُ في مُلكِهِ أَحَدُ

2. He who made the infidels know their abode
And the believers, for what they were promised, He will reward

٢. هُوَ الَّذي عَرَّفَ الكُفّارَ مَنزِلَهُم
وَالمُؤمِنونَ سيَجزيهِم بِما وُعِدوا

3. If it was a state, it was to us a lesson
Will he see in it other than righteousness?

٣. فَإِن تَكُن دِولَةً كاَنَت لَنا عِظَةٌ
فَهَل عَسى أَن يَرى فيها غَيرَ رَشَدُ

4. And God helps whom He befriends, he has
Help over the infidels if they transgress

٤. وَيَنصُرِ اللَهُ مَن والاهُ إِنَّ لَهُ
نَصراً يُمَثِّلُ بِالكُفّارِ إِن عَتَدوا

5. And if you spoke with pride, I do not care
In whom of our brethren the grave includes

٥. فَإِن نَطَقتُم بِفَخرٍ لا أَبالَكُمُ
فيمَن تَضَمَّنَ مِن إِخوانِنا اللَحَدُ

6. For Talha we left him, betraying
And for the defiled, between us a fire burns

٦. فَإِنَّ طَلحَةَ غَادَرناهُ مُنجَدِلاً
وَلِلصَفائِحِ نارٌ بَينَنا تَقِدُ

7. And the man, Uthman, our tongues wanted
So the chest of his wife when she was informed laments

٧. وَالمَرءُ عُثمانُ أَردَتهُ أَسِنَّتُنا
فَجَيبُ زَوجَتِهِ إِذ أُخبِرَت قَدَدُ

8. In the nine and the banner amongst them
They did not recoil from the basin of death when they came

٨. في تِسعَةٍ وَلِواءٌ بَينَ أَظهُرِهِم
لَم يَنكُلوا عَن حِياضِ المَوتِ إِذ وَرَدوا

9. They were the remains of valor and the most generous of them
Where the noses and where the origins and number

٩. كانوا الذَوائِبَ مِن فَهرٍ وَأَكَرَمَها
حيثُ الأُنوفُ وَحَيثُ الفَرعُ وَالعَدَدُ

10. And Ahmed the best was killed hastily
Under the hooves, a father while striving

١٠. وَأَحمَدُ الخَيرِ قَد أَردى عَلى عَجَلٍ
تَحتَ العَجاجِ أَبِيّاً وَهوَ مُجتَهِدُ

11. So the birds and hyenas rode him
A carrier of a piece of him and a harvester

١١. فَظَلَّتِ الطَيرُ وَالضِبعانُ تَركَبُهُ
فَحامِلُ قِطعَةٍ مِنهُ وَمُقتَعِدُ

12. And whoever you killed, of wonder it was
Of us, they met good and were fortunate

١٢. وَمَن قَتَلتُم عَلى ما كانَ مِن عَجَبٍ
مِنّا فَقَد صادَفوا خَيراً وَقَد سَعِدوا

13. For them are gardens of Paradise, wholesome
No heat or cold afflicts them therein

١٣. لَهُم جِنانٌ مِن الفِردوسِ طَيِّبَةٌ
لا يَعتَريهِم بِها حَرٌّ وَلا صَرَدُ

14. God prays upon them whenever they are mentioned
For many a true witnessing preceded they witnessed

١٤. صَلّى الإِلَهُ عَلَيهِم كُلَّما ذُكِروا
فَرُبَّ مَشهَدِ صِدقٍ قَبلَهُ شَهِدوا

15. A people who kept the pact of the Messenger and sacrificed
The smell of musk from them Hamza the lion sensed

١٥. قَومٌ وَفَوا عَهدَ الرَسولِ وَاِحتَسَبوا
شَمَّ العَرانينَ مِنهُم حَمزَةَ الأَسَدُ

16. And Mus`ab who was before him a staunch lion
Until a fox took possession of his body

١٦. وَمُصعَبٌ كانَ لَيثاً دونَهُ حَرَداً
حَتّى تَزَمَّلَ مِنهُ ثَعلَبٌ جَسَدُ

17. They are not like the slain of the infidels He admitted
To the hellfire, at its doors the guards

١٧. لَيسوا كَقَتلى مِنَ الكُفّارِ أَدخَلَهُم
نارَ الجَحيمِ عَلى أَبوابِها الرُصُدُ