1. People in prosperous times are like a tree
With people around it as long as it bears fruit
١. الناسُ في زَمَنِ الإِقبالِ كَالشَجَرَة
وَحَولَها الناسُ ما دامَت بِها الثَمَرَه
2. But when it becomes barren, they turn away
Ungratefully, though once they sheltered under it
٢. حَتّى إِذا ما عَرَت مِن حَملِها اِنصَرَفوا
عَنها عُقوقاً وَقَد كانوا بِها بَرَرَه
3. And later tried to fell it, though long ago
They pitied it, buffeted by winds and dust
٣. وحاوَلوا قَطعَها مِن بَعدِ ما شَفِقوا
دَهراً عَلَيها مِنَ الأَرياحِ وَالغَبَرَه
4. I said: The chivalry of all men on earth
Is rare; not one in ten deserves the name
٤. قُلتُ مُروءاتُ أَهلِ الأَرضِ كُلِّهِمُ
إِلّا الأَقَلُّ فَلَيسَ العَشرُ مِن عَشَرَه
5. So never praise a man till you have tested him
For often reputation belies character
٥. لا تَحمَدَنَّ اِمرِءاً حَتّى تُجَرِّبُهُ
فَرُبَّما لَم يوافِق خُبرَهُ خَبَرَه