
There are two states, hardship and prosperity

هي حالان شدة ورخاء

1. There are two states, hardship and prosperity
And two contests, blessing and tribulation

١. هِيَ حالانِ شِدَّةٌ وَرَخاءُ
وَسِجالانِ نِعمَةٌ وَبلاءُ

2. And the wise young man, if fate betrays him
His dignity will not betray him

٢. وَالفَتى الحاذِقُ الأَريبُ إِذا ما
خانَهُ الدَهرُ لَم يَخُنهُ عَزاءُ

3. If disaster befalls me, yet I am
In disasters a deaf rock

٣. إِن أَلَمَّت مُلِمَّةٌ بي فَإِنّي
في المُلِمّاتِ صَخرَةٌ صَمّاءُ

4. Knowing of affliction, I know that never
Does bliss and comfort last

٤. عالِمٌ بِالبَلاءِ عِلماً بَأَن لَي
سَ يَدومُ النَعيمُ وَالرَخاءُ