
Cover your brother's faults

إلبس أخاك على عيوبه

1. Cover your brother's faults
And conceal and hide his sins

١. إِلبِس أَخاكَ عَلى عُيوبِه
وَاِستُر وَغَطِّ عَلى ذُنوبِه

2. And be patient with the injustice of the fool
And with time and its calamities

٢. وَاِصبِر عَلى ظُلمِ السَفيهِ
وَلِلزَمانِ عَلى خُطوبِه

3. And abstain from answering out of kindness
And leave the oppressor to his reckoning

٣. وَدَعِ الجَوابَ تَفَضُّلاً
وَكِلِ الظَلومَ إِلى حَسيبِه

4. And know that patience in suppressing anger
Is better than giving in to it

٤. وَاِعلَم بِأَنَّ الحِلمَ عِن
دَ الغَيظِ أَحسَنُ مِن رُكوبِه