
Contentment has provided me every honor

أفادتني القناعة كل عز

1. Contentment has provided me every honor
And what honor is more honorable than contentment

١. أَفادَتني القَناعَةُ كُلَّ عِزٍّ
وَهَل عِزٌّ أَعَزُّ مِنَ القَناعَة

2. So make it for yourself a capital
And make piety after it merchandise

٢. فَصَيِّرها لِنَفسِكَ رَأسُ مالٍ
وَصَيِّر بَعدَها التَقوى بِضاعَه

3. You will gain profit and be free from the miser
And delight in the gardens in an hour of patience

٣. تَحُز رِبحاً وَتُغني عَن بَخيلٍ
وَتَنعَمُ في الجِنانِ بِصَبرِ ساعَه