
I could not forget them on Thursday when I disliked

فلم أنسهم يوم الخميس وكرهم

1. I could not forget them on Thursday when I disliked
them that day, and on the day of Qasr when the palace was guarded,

١. فَلَم أَنسَهُم يَومَ الخَميسِ وَكَرَّهُم
عَلَيهِ وَيَومَ القَصرِ إِذ حُرِسَ القَصرُ

2. and Al-Ja'di repelled them when they were chasing him,
and arbitration overtook him, and the slender reeds.

٢. وَدَفعَهُمُ الجَعدِيَّ إِذ يَطرُدونَهُ
وَأَدرَكَهُ التَحكيمُ وَالقَصَبُ السُمرُ