
Has any good come from our feebleness,

هل أتى فائد عن أيسارنا

1. Has any good come from our feebleness,
When we feared an enemy, full of holes?

١. هَل أَتى فائِدَ عَن أَيسارِنا
إِذ خَشينا مِن عَدُوٍّ خُرُقا

2. When fear came upon us from our refuge,
We bent into a dark horizon.

٢. إِذ أَتانا الخَوفُ مِن مَأمَنِنا
فَطَوَينا في سَوادٍ أُفُقا

3. Ask the gift of a day, has it seen
A man more generous than us in manners?

٣. وَسَلِي هَديَةَ يَوماً هَل رَأَت
بَشَراً أَكرَمَ مِنّا خُلقا

4. And how many ropes before it
We have cut their cords, so they unraveled.

٤. وَلَكَم مِن خِلَّةٍ مِن قَبلِها
قَد صَرَمنا حَبلَها فَاِنطَلَقا

5. We have attained a life of bliss,
And we have attained a strangled life.

٥. قَد أَصَبنا العَيشَ عَيشاً ناعِماً
وَأَصَبنا العَيشَ عَيشاً رَنقا

6. I have found time to be a time I yearned for,
Enjoying some of it, and twisting some.

٦. وَأَصَبتُ الدَهرَ دَهراً أَشتَهي
طَبَقاً مِنهُ وَأَلوي طَبَقاً

7. And I witnessed horses in battle,
You see nothing of them except their sclera.

٧. وَشَهِدتُ الخَيلَ في مَلمومَةٍ
ما تَرى مِنهُنَّ إِلّا الحَدَقا

8. Galloping on the banks of the spear,
A cup of deadly agony to drink.

٨. يَتَساقونَ بِأَطرافِ القَنا
مِن نَجيعِ المَوتِ كَأساً دَهقا

9. The horses' chase could bother me
And play disrupts me from calmness.

٩. فَطِرادُ الخَيلِ قَد يُؤنِقُني
وَيَرُدُّ اللَهوُ عَنّي الأَنَقا

10. With the stirring of the whites, until they leave
For the Indian swords in them a pathway.

١٠. بِمشيحِ البيضِ حَتّى يَترُكوا
لِسُيوفِ الهِندِ فيها طُرقا

11. And it was as if tomorrow I will meet it
Just as a platter meets a platter.

١١. وَكَأَنّي مِن غَدٍ وافَقتُها
مِثلَما وافَقَ شَنٌّ طَبَقا