1. Oh how wonderful were the days of youth and their time
When life was safe and all were in harmony
١. أَلا حَبَّذا عَصرُ اللِوى وَزَمانُهُ
إِذِ الدَهرُ سَلمٌ وَالجَميعُ حُلولُ
2. When the youth had a pool of games at their disposal
From its roses we got necklaces and descended to valleys
٢. وَإِذ لِلصِّبا حَوضٌ مِنَ اللَهوِ مُترَعٌ
لَنا عَلَلٌ مِن وِردِهِ وَنَهولُ
3. When between us familiarity did not lead to boredom
Nor did intimacies make the union tiring
٣. وَإِذ نَحنُ لَم يَعرِض لِأُلفَةِ بَينِنا
تَناءٍ وَلا مَلَّ الوِصالَ مَلولُ