1. Our horses stampeded to the admonitions of a preacher,
Then gathered in legions at the call of the pilgrim guide.
١. أَلوَت بِعَتّابٍ شَوارِدُ خَيلِنا
ثُمَّ اِنثَنَت لِكَتائِبِ الحجّاجِ
2. My brother Thamud I would sometimes chide,
Yet we made allowance for him in his seclusion.
٢. لِأَخي ثَمودَ فَرُبَّما أَخطَأنَهُ
وَلَقَد بَلَغنَ العُذرَ في الإِدلاجِ
3. Until we left the misguided one lying dead,
Barricaded in his mansion and annex.
٣. حَتّى تَرَكنَ أَخا الضَلالِ مُسهَّداً
مُتَمَنِّعاً بِحَوائِطٍ وَرِتاجِ
4. By the life of the Mother of the Servant, had he met us
We'd have offered him a draft with no dilution.
٤. وَلَعمرُ أُمِّ العَبدِ لَو أَدرَكنَهُ
لَسَقَينَهُ صِرفاً بِغَيرِ مِزاجِ
5. Death indeed has missed a most formidable quarry,
Who has survived to a time, but no longer strong.
٥. وَلَقَد تَخَطَّأَتِ المَنايا حَوشَباً
فَنَجا إِلى أَجَلٍ وَلَيسَ بِناجِ