1. O my people! Stop your slumber
And cease denying water to the thirsty pilgrim.
١. أَلا يا لَقَومي لِلرُّقادِ المُسَهَّدِ
وَلِلماءِ مَمنوعاً إِلى الحائِمِ الصَّدي
2. One state gives way to another as youth strides on,
And love is followed by detachment's rebellion.
٢. وَللحال بَعد الحالِ يَركَبُها الفَتى
وَللحُبِّ بعد السَّلوَةِ المُتَمَرِّدِ
3. A man lives as he pleases, not as others desire,
Nor can guidance divert him on an errant day.
٣. وللمرء لا عَمَّن يُحِبُّ بِمُرعَوٍ
وَلا لِسَبيلِ الرُّشدِ يَوماً بِمُهتَدي
4. And a man endures the blows of fate and before them
Foolish, boastful youth who think themselves glorious.
٤. وللمرء يُلحى في التصابي وقبلَهُ
صبابا لغواني كُلُّ قرمٍ مُمجَّدِ
5. Some censure his passion, feigning sympathy:
"How long will his heart keep suffering this torment?"
٥. وَقَد قالَ أَقوامٌ وَهُم يعذلونَهُ
لَقَد طالَ تَعذيبُ الفُؤادِ المصيَّدِ
6. But how can a heart forget its Salma, its love,
Like embers that glow between fiery logs?
٦. وَكَيفَ تَناسى القَلبُ سَلمى وَحُبُّها
كَجَمرِ غَضىً بَينَ الشَّرايفِ موقدِ
7. To you, leader of mankind from Yathrib's valley,
Noble brother, ready to aid the needy, we came
٧. إِلَيكَ إِمامَ الناس مِن بَطنِ يَثرِبٍ
وَنِعمَ أَخو ذي الحاجَةِ المُتَعَمَّدِ
8. Since generosity is your nature,
And your door has never been closed to the seeker.
٨. رَحَلنا لِأَنَّ الجودَ مِنكَ خَليقَةٌ
وَأَنَّكَ لَم يَذمُم جَنابَكَ مُجتَدي
9. You gave people more than any leader before,
In righteous deeds, not vainglory's ostentation.
٩. مَلَكتَ فَزِدتَ الناسَ ما لَم يَزِدهُمُ
إِمامٌ مِنَ المَعروفِ غَيرِ المُصَرَّدِ
10. You rose to lead, but did not countermand
The rule of your predecessor, following his path.
١٠. وَقُمتَ وَلَم تَنقُض قَضاءَ خَليفَةٍ
وَلَكِن بِما ساروا مِنَ الفِعلِ تَقتَدي
11. When you assumed command, you shielded it well,
Supporting it truly, no weak prop of kingdom.
١١. وَلَمّا وليتَ المُلكَ ضارَبتَ دونَهُ
وَأَسنَدتَهُ لا تَأتَلي خَيرَ مُسنَدِ
12. You made Hisham and al-Walid your storehouses,
Pillars of the covenant, trustworthy and firm.
١٢. جَعَلتَ هِشاماً وَالوَليدَ ذَخيرَةً
وَليينِ لِلعَهدِ الوَثيقِ المُؤَكَّدِ
13. And you resolved that Sulayman rule righteously-
Who holds to God, finds Him his guide.
١٣. وَأَمضَيتَ عَزماً في سُلَيمانَ راشِداً
وَمَن يَعتَصِم بِاللَّهِ مِثلك يرشدِ