
O Hind, restore the union lest it wither

يا هند ردي الوصل أن يتصرما

1. O Hind, restore the union lest it wither
And join a lover consumed with your love

١. يا هِندُ رُدّي الوَصلَ أَن يَتَصَرَّما
وَصِلي اِمرأً كَلِفاً بِحُبِّك مُغرَما

2. If you would but grant us your flirtation once
We would ask nothing more of you but what is forbidden

٢. لَو تَبذُلينَ لَنا دَلالَكِ مَرَّةً
لَم نَبغِ مِنكِ سِوى دَلالكِ محرَما

3. Your family has forbidden visiting
Showing only harshness and frowning

٣. منعَ الزِّيارَةَ أَنَّ أَهلَكَ كُلَّهُم
أَبدَوا لِزَورِكِ غِلظَةً وَتَجَهُّما

4. It would not harm your family if a lover
Circled your house’s courtyard or knocked and greeted

٤. ما ضَرَّ أَهلكِ لَو تَطَوَّف عاشِقٌ
بِفِناءِ بَيتِكَ أَو أَلَمَّ فَسَلَّما