1. The traces of an abode in that region
Were its dwellers to return at dawn with tidings
١. ما عَلى رَسمِ مَنزِلٍ بِالجَنابِ
لَو أَبانَ الغَداةَ رَجعَ الجَوابِ
2. The morning breeze has changed it, and every wind
laden with clouds pouring down rain constantly
٢. غَيرتهُ الصَّبا وَكُلُّ مُلِثٍّ
دائِمِ الوَدقِ مُكفَهِرِّ السَّحابِ
3. A house in India, though is my time in India
Returning in passion with smooth cheeks
٣. دار هِندٍ وَهَل زَماني بِهِندٍ
عائِدٌ بِالهَوى وَصَفوِ الجَنابِ
4. As it was, serenity well-kept
Resembling neither estrangement nor avoidance
٤. كَالذي كانَ وَالصَّفاءُ مَصونٌ
لَم تَشُبهُ بِهِجرَةٍ وَاِجتِنابِ
5. That was the case when you were like a tender branch
And it a sanctuary like the prayer niche of a temple
٥. ذاكَ مِنها إِذ أَنتَ كَالغُصنِ غضّ
وَهيَ رؤدٌ كَدُميَةِ المِحرابِ
6. A gazelle turning minds with her sweetness
Of good taste, cool teeth
٦. غادَةٌ تَستَبي العُقولَ بِعَذبٍ
طَيِّبِ الطَّعمِ بارِدِ الأَنيابِ
7. And furniture of pure complexion
Like the whiteness of smoothed rocks in a brook
٧. وَأَثيثٍ مِن فَوقِ لَونٍ نَقِيٍّ
كَبَياضِ اللُّجَينِ في الزِّريابِ
8. So lessen the blame about her and shorten
My heart from burning and gloom
٨. فَأَقِلَّ المَلامَ فيها وَأَقصِر
لجَّ قَلبي مِن لَوعَةٍ وَاِكتِئابِ
9. O comrade, have you seen or heard of one skilled
Who could return what prosperous years wasted
٩. صاحِ أَبصَرتَ أَو سَمِعتَ براعٍ
رَدَّ في الضَّرعِ ما قَرى في العِلابِ
10. My villainy has ended and my ignorance ceased
My evils are relieved of rebuke
١٠. انقَضَت شِرَّتي وَأَقصَرَ جَهلي
وَاستَراحَت عَواذِلي مِن عِتابي
11. Many a maternal uncle honored me, and many
An illustrious, generous paternal uncle
١١. رُبَّ خالٍ مُتَوّجٍ لي وَعَمٍّ
ماجِدٍ مُجتَدىً كَريم النِّصابِ
12. Knights were only named knights
To match the nobility of pedigree
١٢. إِنَّما سمّي الفَوارِسُ بِالفُر
سِ مُضاهاة رِفعَةِ الأَنسابِ
13. So leave off boasting over us
And leave injustice, and speak right
١٣. فَاِترُكي الفَخرَ يا أُمامُ عَلَينا
وَاِترُكي الجَورَ وَاِنطقي بِالصَّوابِ
14. And if you are ignorant about us and yours
How we were in bygone eras
١٤. وَاِسأَلي إِن جَهلتِ عَنّا وعَنكُم
كَيفَ كُنّا في سالِفِ الأَحقابِ
15. When we nurtured our daughters and you
Ignobly buried your daughters in dust
١٥. إِذ نُرَبّي بَناتِنا وَتدسّو
نَ سَفاهاً بَناتِكُم في التُّرابِ