
Leave off contention and do not seek it,

فدع عنك المراء ولا ترده

1. Leave off contention and do not seek it,
For the paucity of good are contention's causes.

١. فَدَع عَنكَ المِراءَ وَلا تُرِدهُ
لِقِلَّةِ خَيرِ أَسبابِ المراءِ

2. And know well that he who contends with his brother,
Exposes himself to rebuke from his brother.

٢. وَأَيقِن أَنَّ مَن مارى أَخاهُ
تَعَرَّضَ مِن أَخيهِ لِلحاءِ

3. And do not seek dissension, for in it
Is the separation of loyal friends.

٣. وَلا تَبغِ الخِلافَ فَإِنَّ فيهِ
تَفَرُّقَ من ذَواتِ الأَصفِياءِ

4. And if you know for certain that the wrong is in what
Your brothers of loyalty called you to,

٤. وَإِن أَيقَنتَ أَنَّ الغَيَّ فيما
دَعاكَ إِلَيهِ إِخوان الصَّفاءِ

5. Then treat them with kindness in speech in what
You intend while being resolute in refusal.

٥. فَجامِلهُم بِحُسنِ القَولِ فيما
أَرَدتَ وَقَد عَزَمتَ عَلى الإِباءِ