
Those were my wedding festivities that foolishly ended our union

تلك عرسي رامت سفاها فراقي

1. Those were my wedding festivities that foolishly ended our union
And she grew weary, no longer desiring my embrace

١. تِلكَ عِرسي رامَت سَفاهاً فِراقي
وَاِستَمَلَّت فَما تواتي عِناقي

2. She claimed she was my angel, yet life's trials
Proved I was destined to face misery's somber haze

٢. زَعمت أَنَّها مِلاكي مَعَ الما
لِ وَأَنّي مُحالِفُ الإِملاقِ

3. Then her eyes closed in fatigue after langour
Sorrows sealed her lids and pupils in a glaze

٣. ثُمَّ نامَت عُيونُها بَعدَ وَهنٍ
حُشِيَ الصّابَ جَفنُها وَالمَآقي

4. She forgot the tragedy in Damascus
That drew my portrait, beyond any reform or remake

٤. وَتناسَت مُصيبَةً بِدِمَشق
أَشخَصَت مُهجَتي فُوَيقَ التَّراقي

5. The day they carried the coffin of Ibn Urwah
Carried by men with lowered heads and bent napes

٥. يَومَ أَدنَوا إِلى اِبنِ عُروَةَ نَعشاً
بَينَ أَيدي الرِّجالِ وَالأَعناقِ

6. They slowly embarked with it on a sail
To the grave, no rush in their pace

٦. فَاِستَقلوا بِهِ شِراعاً إِلى ال
قَبرِ وَما إِن يَحُثّهم مِن سِباقِ

7. To an uncertain abode, so when they descended
And lifted him down, gone without a trace

٧. لمقامٍ زَلخٍ فَلَمّا أَجَنّوا
شَخصَهُ وَاِرتَقوا وَلَيسَ بِراقي

8. I almost ended my life when they hid him
In a tomb aligned with layers in place

٨. كِدتُ أَقضي الحَياةَ إِذ غَيَّبوهُ
في ضَريحٍ مُراصِفِ الأَطباقِ

9. Then sorrow for him seized me with sadness
Whose suppression barred happiness from my face

٩. فَاِعتَراني الأَسى عَلَيهِ بِوَجدٍ
سَدَّ مَكبوتُهُ مَجيءَ الفُواقِ

10. So I turned away agonized at the pain
Of recently seeing him and now loss of his embrace

١٠. فَتَوَلَّيتُ موجَعاً قَد شَجاني
قُربُ عَهدٍ بِهِ وَبُعدُ تَلاقي

11. Knowing time, I know I'm wearing life's attire
Though it's a threadbare and miserable lace

١١. عارِفاً بِالزَّمانِ أَعلَمُ أَنّي
لابِسٌ حُلَّةً بِعَيشٍ رَماقِ

12. By my life, he was a noble branch
With a piercing intellect and an honored race

١٢. وَلَعَمري لَقَد أُصِبتُ بِفَرعٍ
ثاقِبِ الزَّندِ ماجِدِ الأَعراقِ

13. I worried for him and wished to protect him
If my compassion could shield or erase

١٣. وَلَقَد كُنتُ لِلحُتوفِ عَلَيهِ
مُشفِقاً لَو أَعاذَهُ إِشفاقي

14. But death cannot be thwarted by any healer
Or potion, regardless of the circumstances they face

١٤. فَإِذا المَوتُ لا يُرَدُّ بِحِرصٍ
مِن حريصٍ وَلا بِرُقيَةِ راقي

15. We were happy like the sons of Nawaira together
Living in joy and perfect harmony's grace

١٥. وَغنينا كَاِبني نُوَيرَةَ إِذ عا
شا جَميعاً بِغِبطَةٍ وَاِتِّفاقِ

16. But we're now separated by a distant divide
While each living's fate is to one day face

١٦. ثُمَّ صِرنا لِفُرقَةٍ ذاتِ بُعدٍ
كُلُّ حَيٍّ مَصيرُهُ لِفِراقِ