
Happiness has come to green Tunisia

هو السعد قد وافى إلى تونس الخضرا

1. Happiness has come to green Tunisia
And settled its homes with joy and good news

١. هوَ السَعدُ قَد وافى إِلىَ تونِسَ الخَضرا
وَحَلَّ ذُراها بِالمَسَرَّةِ وَالبُشرى

2. So its borders swayed for him and adorned themselves
And happiness spread in its areas when it was enriched

٢. فَهَزَّت لَهُ أَعطافَها وَتَزَيَنَّت
وَعَمَّ الهَنا في قُطرِها عِندَما أَثرى

3. We were ignorant of the aggrieved and the aggriever, rather
We see them all in the name of the ghost invented

٣. جَهِلنا المُهَنيّ وَالمُهَنَّى وَإِنَّما
نَرى الكُلَّ مِنهُم باسِمَ الثَغرِ مُفتَرا

4. As if they were the pleasures of a procrastinator
Quenched them after rejection included with lies

٤. كَأَنَّهُم نَشوى وِصالِ مُماطِلٍ
سَقاهُم عُقَيب الصَدِّ مَشمولَةً بِكرا

5. And why not when the Glorious has entrusted his son
And the son of his hands with his great ministry

٥. وَلِم لا وَقَد ناطَ المُعَظَّمُ بابنِها
وَبابنِ أَياديهِ وِزارَتَهُ الكُبرى

6. He is Al-Mustafa the son of the Truthful Promise and the one
Who was pure, dignified and lofty in ascent

٦. هوَ المُصطَفى بنُ الصادِقِ الوَعدِ وَالَّذي
زَكا مَحتِداً ذا عِزَّةٍ وَسَما نَجرا

7. And gave him the decoration of their house which
With it he became high, attained it and contained honor

٧. وَقَلَّدَهُ نيشانَ بَيتِهِمُ الَّذي
بِهِ صارَ سِلماً نالَها وَحَوى الفَخرا

8. The Master chose him as a crescent, so he crafted him
And perfected in him the making until he became a full moon

٨. تَخَيَّرَهُ المَولى هِلالاً فَصاغَهُ
وَأَبدَعَ فيهِ الصَنعَ حَتّى غَدا بَدرا

9. Illuminating for those who seek his towering glory
And facilitating for his two Eids, so Glory to the One who ascended

٩. يُضيءُ لِمَن يَسعى لِشامِخِ عِزِّهِ
وَيَسري لِعيدَيهِ فَسُبحانَ مَن أَسرى

10. And of course he made him sincerely love him
And tied him with a belt and made him a partner in command

١٠. وَلا بِدعَ أَن أَولاهُ خالِصَ وِدِّهِ
وَشَدَّ بِهِ أَزاراً وَأَشرَكَهُ أَمراً

11. And manifested him as an arrow from his amicability which
I am more knowledgeable than people of what its essence contains

١١. وَأَبداهُ سَهماً مِن كِنانَتِهِ الَّتي
بِباطِنِ ما تَحويهِ دونَ الوَرى أَدرى

12. And stripped him as a polished sword and refinement
So he overcame when the whites and blacks shook him

١٢. وَجَرَّدَهُ سَيفا صَقيلاً وَصَعدَة
فَغالَبَ لَمّا هَزَّهُ البيضَ وَالسَمرا

13. And on the day of the wager he made him a winner
So through him better than the one who prays to him

١٣. وَأَجراهُ في يَومِ الرِهانِ مُجَلِّياً
فَكانَ بِهِ دونَ المُصَلّي بِهِ أَحرى

14. He is the truthful Pasha the counselor Muhammad
He honored the people in renown and is highest in worth

١٤. هوَ الصادِقُ الباشا المُشيرُ مُحَمَّدٌ
أَعَزَّ الوَرى صيتاً وَأَعلاهُمُ قَدرا

15. And most perfect of them in morals, ethics and awe
Caesar and even Chosroes falls short of it

١٥. وَأَكمَلُهُم خَلقاً وَخُلقاً وَهَيبَةً
يُقصر عَنها قَيصَرٌ وَكَذا كِسرى

16. When the eyes get a glimpse of him
With which he signals to the soil to turn to ashes

١٦. إِذا ظَفِرَت مِنهُ العُيونُ بِنَظرَةٍ
يُشيرُ بِها لِلترب يَقلِبُهُ تِبرا

17. And if the ascendant of his happiness clashes with adversaries
So how numerous are the casualties and how cheap are the captives

١٧. وَإِن قارَعَ الأَضدادَ طالِعُ سَعدِهِ
فَما أَكثَرَ القَتلى وَما أَرخَصَ الأَسرى

18. He keeps people in security and bliss
So this one raising his palm and that one prostrating in thanks

١٨. أَقامَ الأَنامَ في أَمانٍ وَغِبطَةٍ
فَذا رافِعٌ كَفّاً وَذا ساجِدٌ شكرا

19. And dressed them with the garment of mercy whoever
Tumbled into it does not fear disgrace or nakedness

١٩. وَأَلحَفَهُم ثَوبَ الحَنانِ وَمَن بِهِ
تَرَدّى فَلا يَخشى المَعَرَّةَ أَو يَعرى

20. Verily O shelterer of those who take refuge and the one for him
The supremacy of a kingdom that fills the heart and chest

٢٠. أَلا يا مُجير المُلتَجينَ وَمَن لَهُ
فَخامَةُ مُلكٍ يَملأ القَلبَ وَالصَدرا

21. And owner of veneration my master and son of my master
And I do not want after him to see anyone else free

٢١. وَمالِكَ رِقيِ سَيِّدي وَابنَ سَيدي
وَلَستُ بِباغٍ أَن أُرى بَعدَهُ حُرّا

22. Be humble oh pride of kings with a state
And glory and prosperity and you are more deserving of it

٢٢. تَهَنّ أَيا فَخرَ المُلوكِ بِدَولَةٍ
وَعِزٍّ وَإِسعادٍ وَأَنتَ بِهِ أَحرى

23. And never stop your days of life all of them
To be marked with your good traces extraordinarily

٢٣. وَلا بَرِحَت أَيّامُ دَهرِكَ كُلها
بِآثارِكَ الحَسنا مُحَجَّلَةً غَرّا

24. Until you see this minister as you wish
And neither duties to fear afterwards nor burdens

٢٤. إِلىَ أَن تَرى هَذا الوَزيرَ كَما تَشا
وَلا وَزَرٌ يَخشاهُ بَعدُ وَلا وِزرا

25. For the sake of Allah’s Messenger peace be upon him
And his family, companions and those who fought at Badr

٢٥. بِجاهِ رسولِ اللَهِ جَلَّ جَلالُهُ
وَآلٍ وَصَحبٍ وَالَّذين غَزوا بَدرا

26. Prayers and peace be upon them that embrace them
And satisfy them with the Present House and the Other

٢٦. عَلَيهِ صَلاةٌ مَع سَلام يَعُمهم
وَيُرضيهِم عَنّا بِذي الدارِ وَالأُخرى