1. I lovingly visited despite those who blamed
I revived a beloved with yearning beyond words
١. ساعَفت بالوِصالِ وَنيل الأَمَل
وَزارَت عَلى رَغمِ مَن قَد عَذل
2. The anklets were relieved of kohl
And the robes of their jewelry and finery
٢. وَحَيَّت وَأَحيَت حَبيباً بِهِ
مِنَ الشَوقِ ما لَفظُهُ لا يَقل
3. And smiles instead of the like of poetry's organization
And the throwing of roses by a soft hand
٣. تَبَدَّلَت الغُنجَ عَن كُحلِها
وَبالدَلِّ عَن حَليِها وَالحُلَل
4. The words of the enamored therein are true
So talk and do not fear boredom
٤. وَتَبسَمُ عَن مِثلِ نَظمِ الجُما
نِ وَتَرمي المُاومي بِسَيفٍ المُقَل
5. God has guided to love of her
Does he not recognize the face or take evidence?
٥. حَديثُ المُتَيَّمِ فيها صَحيحٌ
فَحَدِّث وَلا تَخشَ فيهِ المَلَل
6. Evidence of it is like celebrity
And like the example going around among people
٦. لَحى اللَهُ لا حيّ عَن حُبِّها
أَما يَعرِفُ الوَجهَ أَو يَستَدِل
7. And like the son of Salama in his merit
And the example has gone around among people
٧. دَليلٌ عَلَيها كَمِثلِ الشِها
ب وَمِثلِ في الناسِ سَيرَ المَثَل
8. A leader with whom Tunisia has reached its peak
And shown with it the beauty of celebration
٨. وَكابنِ سَلامَةَ في فَضلِهِ
وَقَد سارَ في الناسِ سَيرَ المَثَل
9. And God has given him from knowledge and forbearance beyond hope
When he takes the lead in a session
٩. إِمامٌ تَسامَت بِهِ تونِسٌ
وَأَبدَت بِهِ زينَةَ المُحتَفِل
10. You see the sun in the sign of Aries
And if he elaborates in his lesson
١٠. وَبَوّأهُ اللَهُ سُبحانَهُ
مِنَ العِلمِ وَالحِلمِ فَوقَ الأَمَل
11. You see how the lines of robes are elaborated
And if his guard takes five for rest
١١. إِذا ما تَصَدّرَ في مَجلِسٍ
تَرى الشَمسَ حَلَّت بِبُرجِ الحَمَل
12. You see his family around him like cubs
Oh pillar of the faith, oh its happiness
١٢. وَإِن بَسَطَ القَولَ في دَرسِهِ
تَرى كَيفَ يُبسَطُ رَقمُ الحُلَل
13. And oh supporter of truth, lofty position
And possessor of what Malik said
١٣. وَإِن أَخَذَت خَمسهُ لِليَراع
تَرى أَهلَهُ حَولَهُ كالخَوَلِ
14. And his successor in his knowledge and deed
And relater of what the generous wrote down
١٤. أَيا عَضُدَ الدين يا سَعدَهُ
وَيا ناصِرَ الحق سامي المَحَل
15. And relator of the hadiths of the axis of milestones
To you, God, from a master whose habit is guidance
١٥. وَمالِكَ ما قالَهُ مالِكٌ
وَتاليه في عِلمِهِ وَالعَمَل
16. Of one who is perplexed or one who strays
Congratulations on what you have attained of rank
١٦. وَمُلقيَ ما دَوّنَتهُ الكِرامُ
وَمُملي أَحاديثَ قُطبِ المِلَل
17. For you are its reward and term
And you were fortunate to seal the Canon of Healing
١٧. لَكَ اللَهُ مِن سَيدٍ دَأبُهُ
هُدى مَن تَحَيَّرَ أَو مَن يَضِل
18. And won the attainment of your wish without haste
And met the approval of the Lord of Worshipers
١٨. هَنيئاً بِما نِلتَ مِن رُتبَةٍ
فَأَنتَ المُكافي لَها وَالأَجَل
19. And the approval of Ahmed the best of Messengers
And you still remain an impenetrable cave for those
١٩. وَهُنِّيتَ خَتمَ كِتابِ الشِفا
وَفُزتَ بِنَيلِ المُنى عَن عَجَل
20. Who take refuge in your loftiness, sun of fortunes
And your attainment overflowed with all of this
٢٠. وَلاقَيتَ رِضوانَ رَبِّ العِباد
وَرِضوانَ أَحمَدَ خَير الرسُل
21. And chronicled the attainment of a healing that transpired
٢١. وَلا زِلتَ كَهفاً مَنيعاً لِمَن
يَلوذُ بِعَلياكَ شَمسَ الدوَل
٢٢. وَنيلُكَ فاضَ بِذا كُلِّهِ
وَأرّخ بِنَيلِ شِفاءٍ حَصَل